Media & Information Unit | National Child Protection Authority
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Media & Information Unit

Functions of Media & Information Unit have designed according to the article 14 (d) to create awareness, of the rights of the child to be protected, from abuse and the methods of preventing abuse, 14(p) to provide information and education to public regarding safety of children and the protection of interest of children, 14 (r) to organize, facilitate workshops, seminars and discussions relating to child abuse.

Accordingly, Media & Information unit is performing below functions & programs in school, village, divisional, district and national levels. These functions and programs are being implemented by District Child Protection Officers (DCPO), District Psychosocial Officers (DPSO) who are employed at district secretariats and Divisional Child Protection Officers (DivCPO) who are employed at divisional secretariats.


  1. School Media National Programme
    • School Media Club (SMC) National Programme

      Conducting awareness programs, trainings and seminars for School Media club member students and teachers of school media clubs, for teachers, principals & education officers who bear the responsibility of school media clubs.

    • School Media & Communication National Programme

      Conducting awareness programs, trainings and seminars for students who have selected Media & Communication as a subject, teachers specialized in media & communication subject, Principals, Education Officers.

  2. “Student Ambassador” National Programme on Child Protection for  School Prefects, Teachers, Principals & Education Officers
    • Junior Student Ambassador National Programme for Junior school prefects
    • Senior Student Ambassador National Programme for Senior school prefects
  3. Planning & Organizing Programs on National & International Day Celebrations
    • 4th January - National Day Against Child Cruelty
    • 12th June - World Day Against Child Labor
    • 1st October - World Children’s Day

      Sithuvili Siththam” All Island Art, Poster & Cartoon Competition to celebrate World Children’s Day.

    • 11th October - International Girl Child Day
  4. Conducting Awareness Programs, Trainings and Conferences for Children, Youth, Parents, Elders, Public, Officers, Professionals, University Undergraduates, Government, Private & Non - Governmental Officers.
  5. Organize National , District & Village level Mobile Services & Exhibitions
  6. Updating and maintaining Official Website, FB Account & Face Book Page, YouTube Channel, Twitter Account of National Child Protection Authority (NCPA).
  7. Conducting Press Conferences & Media Discussions, Issuing News Releases & Press Releases.
  8. Organizing and Conducting Media Promotions & Campaigns.
    • (My Voice / Golden Five Minutes / Crown your Child)
  9. Planning & Conducting Electronic & Print Media Programs.
  10. Daily News Paper Monitoring
  11. Operating & Maintaining the “Library” of National Child Protection Authority.
  12. Developing & disseminating Information, Education & Communication (IEC) Tools related to Child Protection, Child Rights, Child Abuse and Child Development according to the national requirements.
  13. Coordinating & conducting National Orientation Programme for University Undergraduate Training designed by National Child Protection Authority.
  14. Coordinating National Volunteer programme on Child Protection for University Under-graduates / Graduates
  15. Conducting Continues Professional Development (CPD) Programs on Child Protection Technical subjects for officers of National Child Protection Authority.
  16. Conducting Orientation Programs for newly recruited staff of National Child Protection Authority.

Our Team

Mrs. Shanika Malalgoda

Director (Planning & Information)
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Ms. Lakshika Menikbowa

Assistant Director - Media & Information
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Mr. Dhanushaka Senarathne

Media Officer
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Contact Us

Mrs. Shanika Malalgoda

Head of Planning & Information Division

Director  ( Planning & Information)

BA (Special) in Sociology (UoP), MA in Sociology (UoP), M.Sc in Organizational Management (UoP), LL.B (OUSL), Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Studies (UoP), Member of Institute of Charted Professional Managers of Sri Lanka (CPM Sri Lanka)




Contact: 011-2778911-12-14 (Extension - 142)

Mobile: 077-9501506