About NCPA | National Child Protection Authority
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About NCPA

The National Child Protection Authority was established by the parliament of Sri Lanka (by the Act No.50 of 1998) for the purpose of advising the government on policies and laws on the prevention of child abuse and the protection and treatment of children who are victims of such abuse and the co-ordination and monitoring of action against all forms of child abuse.


To create a child friendly and protective environment for children.


To ensure children are free from all forms of abuse.

History of NCPA


 In Year 2005, Granting of new provisions/powers and functions to the Child Protection Authority for the betterment of the children affected by the Tsunami after the Tsunami Disaster through the Tsunami (Special Provision) Act No. 16 of 2005.

In Year 2005, Authorization of the Child Protection Authority to intervene as a third party, when a child is reported to the Authority as having been involved in domestic violence, under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act No. 34 of 2005.


Shortly it was moved to a house on Chassell Street, Colombo. Her Excellency Former president the President Chandrika Bandaranaike and the High Commissioner of the United Kingdom, Linda Duffel opened a new office on 27 March 2002 at the present location using the financial resources provided by the United Kingdom.

In Year 2002 - Establishment of the "Special Police Investigation Unit" in the National Child Protection Authority.


When comprehending Social statuses of child rights there is a growing concern over the rise of international child trafficking, which aims to exploit child trafficking, child prostitution, and child pornography, Be it the forcible recruitment or recruitment of children into the armed struggle is an international crime In 2000, the Convention on the Rights of the Child enacted by-laws to prevent the recruitment of children into armed struggle and to prevent child trafficking, prostitution and the use of child pornography.


In 1999 the first office of the National Child Protection Authority was a division of the Presidential Secretariat. And Administration under the supervision and control of the Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka. Commencement of recording of video evidence of child abuse victims as per Evidence (Special Provisions) Act No. 32 of 1999 in this situation.


One of the most important recommendations of the Presidential Task Force was the establishment of the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA), by ACT No.50 of 1998 under the Presidential Secretariat. In August 1998, the Minister of Justice presented the National Child Protection Act in Parliament and on 12th November 1998 Act was passed unanimously by Parliament.

According to the National Child Protection Authority Act No. 50 of 1998, the Authority came into operation on 4th June 1999 after the appointment of the Chairman Prof. D G Harendra De Silva and the Governing Council of the Authority. 


In December 1996, the Presidential Task Force on child protection was appointed by the Former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (from 12 November 1994 to 19 November 2005). This body recommended a number of Legal amendments and administrative reforms, which were included in the report of Presidential Task Force.


On November 20, 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted as a Universal Declaration. Sri Lanka, as a member State of the United Nations, was a signatory to the Child Rights Convention (CRC) in the year 1990 and ratified it on 12th July 1991. This was followed by the preparation of a Children’s Charter approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, and the establishing of a National Monitory Committee charged with the responsibility to monitor the CRC and also report to the international CRC committee when required.

Functions of NCPA

  • Advise the Government in the formulation of a national policy on the prevention of child abuse and the protection and treatment of children who are victims of such abuse.
  • Advise the Government on measures for the prevention of child abuse and protection of the victims of such abuse.
  • Create an awareness, of the right of a child to be protected from abuse and the methods of preventing child abuse.
  • Consult the relevant ministries, Provincial Councils, local authorities, District and Divisional Secretaries, public and private sector organizations and recommend all such measures as are necessary, for the purpose of preventing child abuse and for protecting and safeguarding the interests of the victims of such abuse.
  • Recommend legal, administrative or other reforms required for the effective implementation of the national policy for the prevention of child abuse.
  • Monitor the implementation and progress of laws relating to all forms of child abuse.
  • Recommend measures to address the humanitarian concerns relating to children affected by armed conflict and the protection of such children, including measures for their mental and physical well-being and their re-integration into society and to take appropriate steps where necessary for securing the safety and protection of children involved.
  • Receive complaints from the public relating to child abuse and where necessary, to refer such complaints to the appropriate authorities.
  • Advise and assist Provincial Councils and local authorities, and nongovernmental organizations to co-ordinate campaigns against child abuse.
  • Prepare and maintain a national data base on child abuse.
  • Consultation with the relevant ministries and other authorities to supervise and monitor all religious and charitable institutions which provide child care services to children.
  • Conduct, promote and co-ordinate, research in relation to child abuse and child protection.
  • Provide information and education to the public regarding the safety of children and the protection of the interests of children.
  • Engage in dialogue with all sections connected with tourism with a view to minimizing the opportunities for child abuse.
  • Organize and facilitate, workshops, seminars and discussions, relating to child abuse.
  • Liaise and exchange information with foreign Governments and international organizations, with respect to detection and prevention of all forms of child abuse.