Research & Development Services | National Child Protection Authority
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Programme Development Services

The Program Division of the National Child Protection Authority designs and implements number of child protection programs in terms of the National Child Protection Authority Act No. 50 of 1998 to cater the needs of child protection of the country, aiming to enhance knowledge, skills and competencies of Professionals, organizations and public.


  • Monitoring and Establishment of Minimum Standards of Child Development Centres (CDC), Government Receiving Homes (GRH), Remand Homes (RH), Certified Schools (CS), Child Day Care Centres (DCC), Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDC), School Child Protection Committees (SCPC), Compulsory Education Committees, Children Hostels and of Fit Persons.

  • Conducting awareness programs for Children and Child Care Workers in Child Development Centres (CDC), Government Receiving Homes (GRH), Remand Homes (RH), Child Care Workers in Certified Schools (CS), Child Care Workers in Child Day Care Centres (DCC) and Child Care Workers in Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDC).

  • Curriculum Development.
  • Training of Teaching Students in National Colleges of Education.
  • Awareness programs for Principals.

  • Training of Health Care Workers, Post Graduate Doctors and training of police Officers.

  • Estate Children Protection programs.
  • Programs to prevent Teenage Marriages and Teenage Pregnancies.

  • Tsunami Foster Care Program.
  • Education Grants Programs for victimized children.

Our Team

Mr. Rohana Ranasinghe

Director (Programme)
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Mrs. K. Kalaatharshani

Programme Officer
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Mr. Rasika Hegodarachchi

Research & Welfare Officer
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Contact Us

Mr. Rohana Ranasinghe

Head of Programme Division

Director - Programme



Contact: 011-2778911-12-14 (Extension - 104)

Mobile: 071-0133144