Legal Services | National Child Protection Authority
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Legal Services

The National Child Protection Authority is established under the provisions of The National Child Protection Authority Act No. 50 of 1998.

The Tsunami (Special Provisions) Act No.16 of 2006 and the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act No.34 of 2005 provide special recognition to the NCPA in its operation.

NCPA promotes the Best interest of the child provisions in the ICCPR Act No. 56 of 2007 for ensuring protection for children.


  • Facilitation, monitoring, and coordination of Charters, Policies, Laws, Regulations, and Circulars relating to the Child Protection.
  • Create Advocacy and lobbying on issues of Child Protection.

  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and 2 optional protocols.
  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
  • The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC).
  • The European Union’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+).

  • Handling complaints on Child abuse incidents on the contravention of any of the provisions of:
  1. Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act.
  2. Children and Young Persons Ordinance.
  3. The regulation relating to compulsory education made under the Education Ordinance.

  • Represent NCPA in legal matters:
    • Courts of law - Magistrate Court & District Court
    • Commissions - Human Rights Commission, Right to Information Commission, Press Commission
    • Labour Tribunals
    • Conduct trials on criminal cases of Special Police Investigation Unit of NCPA
    • Preparation of Legal Documents for NCPA
    • Memorandum of Understandings / Agreements/ Letter of demand

  • Child Care Institutes for child victims
    • for Child Care Workers in Government Receiving Homes
    • for Child Care Workers in Child development centers
    • for Child Care Workers in Daycare centers


  • Child care institutes for child offenders
    • for staff at Remand homes
    • for staff at Certified schools
    • for staff at Youthful offenders training schools


  • Police officers


  • Educational institutes
    • for members of School child protection committees (SCPC)
    • for Principals and teachers

Contact Us

Mrs. Preethika Sakalasooriya (AAL)

Head of Legal Division

Director - Legal




Telephone: 011-2778911-12-14 (Extension - 114)

Mobile: 077-3209432

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